Short Story in The Rappahannock Review

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“The Old Women and Miss Fitt” appears in The Rappahannock Review.”

My short story “The Old Women and Miss Fitt” appears in Issue 11:1 of The Rappahannock Review.

The story begins:

This story I’m writing began almost three years ago, late summer, Rose’s back porch, we four writers overlooking her apple orchard, the sky that navy blue you get in late September this far north when the nearest streetlights are more than twenty miles away, in our county seat, pop. 1576, and the nearest city is more than a couple hundred miles. We had finished discussing a chapter from Ang’s current woo-woo novel, foggy London, alchemists, talking rats, trapdoors, time travel. Speculative fiction her publisher calls them; Ang called them steampunk fun; we three, me, Charlee-Anne, and Rose, kept our mouths shut. After we’d argued about whether she needed identical twins as protagonists—they might have been clones, I forget—we passed a joint and drifted into the usual. Who reads books anymore?  Click to read more:

To read my contributor’s interview:

What fiction does so well is take us inside someone else’s experience, makes them real, often, usually, it makes us care about them.”

Lynn Sloan portrait